Last updated on November 14th, 2022 at 07:17 pm
Can water heal the arthritis?
Water Work wonders!!! This is true for all the patients suffering from the terrible and one of the most painful health problems, i.e. arthritis. It is a known fact that warm water treatment can help you get rid of the pain in your joints. You just need to make sure that the water temperature is between 82 to 88 degrees. You may also be interested in the fact that water buoyancy can also reduce the pain on joints.
Water also has better resistance than air which means that if you walk in water it would require more effort as compared to walking on land and you will end up burning more calories. Burning extra calories is a must for people suffering from arthritis because the heavier you are, the more weight your joints will have to carry around. You wouldn’t want that, would you?

Working out in pure water can help you enhance your cardiovascular fitness. It improves your balance and range of motion too. To get access to the purest water that boosts your health and soothes your arthritis pains, you can trust Ampac water. You will always get the best results, we promise!!